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Join Us at the 12th Global Assembly of the

World Movement for Democracy!

Under the theme "Revitalizing Democracy: Reflection, Resilience, and Innovation," the Global Assembly will bring together over 500 hundred democracy advocates from around the world to engage in dynamic conversations, interactive workshops, and unique networking opportunities. The 12th Global Assembly is a platform for democracy advocates to build cross-border communities, facilitate learning, and inspire innovation in our fight for freedom.

The Global Assembly will take place in South Africa as the country celebrates 30 years of democracy. The World Movement will join the people of South Africa in celebrating their democratic achievements while also reflecting on the struggles that persist. With South Africa as the starting point of the Assembly discussions, we will then shift to a global view of democracy.

We will celebrate our wins, championed by the strength and resilience of democracy movements around the world. We will proactively assess and confront challenges, such as rising authoritarianism, increased repression, deeply rooted corruption, disinformation, and more. We will then look forward, to joining democratic forces and strategizing innovatively about how to strengthen global solidarity and build for a more democratic future.

Register now to join the 12th Global Assembly!